Tromboza Anala

What is external anal thrombosis?

The coagulation of the blood in the veins (external haemorrhoids), under the form of small painful, inflamed, blueish tumourettes, following hard stools or diarrhea. Anal thrombosis is a complication of the haemorrhoidal disease.

What Are The Specific Symptoms?

External thromboses spontaneously appear within approx. 1 – 2 hours. The patient notices a sudden swelling on the edge of the edge of the anus, which increases in size and becomes increasingly painful. When they enlarge, they can generate discomfort and severe pain.

How Is It Treated?

In the case of severe pain, thrombectomy may be required, alongside the specific drug treatment. The skin inflammation progresses after a few days and it can cause a haemorrhoidal marisca. Laurus Medical Clinics successfully apply radiofrequency thrombectomy, a modern technique that relies on radio frequency cautery, with regeneration and scarring ratios neatly above those of common thrombectomy.