Prolaps Rectal

What Is Rectal Prolapse?

Rectal Prolapse is the exteriorization of the rectal mucous membrane, sometimes of considerable size, because of the weakening of the support and anchoring means of the rectum, which sometimes turns inside out. The patient is forced to push back the rectum segment, a manoeuvre that is often difficult and, by all means, very painful.

Rectal prolapse should be treated separately from the haemorrhoidal prolapse, which is the reversible or irreversible exteriorization of internal haemorrhoids. The actual prolapse does not involve a haemorrhoidal condition, the protruding rectum segment mucous membrane having a normal aspect, at least in the beginning.

What Are The Specific Symptoms?

Secretii fetide, jena si in cazuri rare chiar sangerare. Practic, controlul scaunului este imposibil, iar introducerea rectului inapoi este extrem de dificila.

How Is It Treated?

In most cases, surgical intervention is required.